For all you nimble fingered, eye strained, weavers of art....this blog is for you!! I'm going to lay down a few ground rules of stitching for posterity with the end means of framing.
When purchasing your fabric remember to give at LEAST 1.5 inches of selvage for stretching and pinning PAST the image size...which means...your stitching image may be 5x7 and you want a 3/4" boarder of your linen showing before your matting begins (that adds up to 6.5 x 8.5) NOW tack on another 1 1/2 inches to each side for stretching and pinning purposes. 9.5 x 11.5 is the size of fabric you should begin to stitch with.

You can zig-zag or serge the edges so they don't fray....that's a nice touch to work with, BUT if you have 6" of excess Aida cloth we are going to trim it or you'll have a fat bump of fabric bulging out the dust paper backing. (*shudder*)
Remember when your piece has heavier side by side stitches in some areas and sparse or bare patches in others the tendency of the fabric is to pull and become tight which means it's harder to square up your piece when pinning it. Be consist ant in your stitch tension.
Embroidery hoops leave a mark!! Invest in some scroll frames.
We are framers not dry cleaners!! Please don't expect a pristine stitchery if you let your cat sleep on your stitching basket and every neighbor and family member man handle while ooooo'ing and ahhhhhh'ing over your hard work without washing their hands first. Launder it before you bring it in please.
And finally please...Please...PLEASE remember...you have spent countless hours on this piece, make it last, use conservation products when framing. Spend a little extra because your efforts are worth the rag mats and museum glass!!
P.S. We highly recommend you choose Beveled Edge Framing :)